
Hi Judy,

I hope you had a nice holiday and that you’re doing well placing so many wonderful pups!

I want you know that Lightning has been such an incredible member of our family – he is doing great and very strong now! When we first got him last January, he couldnt jump into my truck and needed a ramp, now he hops right in and is ready to go whenever I am! He spends every day at the winery with me and just loves meeting new customers and their kids and dogs too.

He fetches his orange bumper several times a day and takes it pretty much everywhere with him. I just say “Go Get Your Toy” and he searches for it and usually finds it within a few minute after sniffing all around the yard. He has 30 acres to roam on but usually stays very close by. We just love him and couldn’t imagine life without his adorable presence.

Thank you again for all you and your organization do!

– Beth

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